Marina One
Marina One has an intimate relationship with its urban surroundings. It connects with different modes …
architects 61 (a61) was founded in 1974 at a time ofexciting change and growth in Singapore. This was thesame year in which the Singapore Urban RedevelopmentAuthority (URA) was set up, with the primary task ofcomprehensively redevelopment the Central Area of thecity, the hub around which all commercial and bankingactivities would concentrate. architects 61’scomprehensive portfolio of projects is largely locatedwithin the Central Area of Singapore.
In 1992, architects 61 private limited was incorporated tosucceed the original partnership, bringing along with itnew blood and energy. In 2002, the Board of Directors wasreorganized under the leadership of new CEO, MichaelNgu. Today, a61 has emerged as a major corporate entityin the architectural fabric of Singapore and the Region,with a considerable portfolio of more than S$50 billionworth of completed projects encompassing over 150million sq.ft of floor area in Singapore alone.
architects 61’s Project Track Record encompasses theentire range of project typologies with particular expertisein Master Planning, Highrise/High grade/High complexity(3H) Commercial/Office and Mixed-Use Developments,Highrise Luxury Condominiums, Shopping Malls, Heritageand Historic Conservation Projects, Schools andMRT/Transport & Infrastructure Projects.
architects 61 have won more than 200 Local andInternational Design Awards including the first SingaporePresident’s Design Award in 2006. The Firm has more than50 projects awarded Green Mark Gold, Gold Plus andPlatinum.
Marina One has an intimate relationship with its urban surroundings. It connects with different modes …
Marina One
Tanjong Pagar Centre
Heritage Awards: Conservation of Working Class Housing in Hong Kong receives top honour Restoration | …