Suasana Putrajaya 2C5 is a flagship 14-storey mixed-commercial development in the city of Putrajaya, Malaysia, scheduled to complete in August 2017. Suasana Putrajaya 2C5 comprises of two tower blocks with two basement levels covering a gross floor area of 77,837 square metres. The style of the Ministry of Finance, an important building in Putrajaya located opposite the site, is immersed within the facade as a courtesy, to encourage the cohesive relationship between the two buildings. There is also a visual axis from the Prime Minister’s office and residence, Perdana Putra, to Dataran Wawasan, through the two towers of Suasana Putrajaya 2C5. It frames the iconic National Millenium Monument, while becoming a landmark in its own right as a gateway into the Commercial Precint 2 of Putrajaya. The building has two skins: one, a clear glass, while the other is fritted in the Malay ‘Songket’ pattern in reflectance of the city and its Malay cultural identity with 50% opaque coverage providing sun-shading to its interior spaces. This double-skin façade is perforated with cantilevered vegetative balconies that create patterns on the building’s facade, and enhance the local biodiversity and living quality by attracting various fauna to the site. The cavity between the external and internal glass facades is naturally ventilated, and acts to cut down direct solar heat transfer. Verandah-ways in the building is reminiscence of the ‘lima-kaki’ in Malaysia’s pre-war shophouses. On ground level, premium retail areas face a beautifully landscaped central promenade designed to be an active public realm with seating pavilions, planting areas, relaxation zones, reflective pools and temporal event spaces. In its 7-storey day-lit entrance atrium, a vertical green wall comprising various planting species is maintained via an integrated gravity-fed rooftop irrigation system. The skylight is the crown of the multistory atrium and allows diffused daylighting into the atrium.