FORUM ARCHITECTSPTE LTD was formed to service clientslooking for imaginative solutions to their developments.  Believing that in a world of limitedresources, paring down to the essentials can bring value and style to homes,the community and the environment.  Athinking attitude and an unrelenting drive towards creative problem-solving aremade to bear on clients’ commercial imperatives, available technology andeveryday operational problems to arrive at elegant solutions.  FORUM believes that a rigorous and efficientpractice coupled with conscientious commitment to sensible design and qualityin construction detailing can bring bold but appropriate solutions tobuildings.  And it can do so with economyand simplicity.   

Ourcapabilities span across a diverse range of expertise, delivering high qualityand prestigious projects within the civic, commercial, cultural, educational,hospitality, healthcare, residential and retail sectors. 

Jurong Town Hall

The architect’s main aim is to restore the atrium by unfurling the original architectural elements, …